
July Favorites!

Boy! I cant believe that July is already coming to a close. Although I love July, all good things must come to an end.


But why be all gloomy about it ending when I can share with you my July Favorite products!


The first product I will share with you is this super cute lavender lotion.IMG_20170626_134434

To start off  La Chatelane has such an adorable design for this lotion, I almost feel as if I’m walking around Paris when I am carrying this with me in my purse. I love how just a little bit of this goes such a long way, and smells AMAZING


Second I with you the two lip tints  I have used during this summer so far.



Now I have done a review on this already, but I just love how summery these look!

While we are on the subject of lips, EOS chapstick is also on my list of July favorites!


As well as The Rimmel lipstick I reviewed earlier in June!


And last but not least, this Butter London Lippy lipstick, if you have been keeping up with our blog, you’ll know exactly who I got this from! 😉


I love how it looks almost nude, like the Rimmel lipstick, and stays on for a majority of the day.



Comment down below What you think of these products.

Whats your favorite Season?




3 thoughts on “July Favorites!”

  1. I LOVE the ESO lip balms, but my dog managed to get hold of mine, and since she thought it was a ball, she managed to rip it to shreds! She also ATE the whole of the balm and It was about 3/4 full! I googled it, and apparently dogs always end up eating them! x


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